DMT/DMLMT Underdelivery Sales Rate | Business Partners | National Fuel

DMT/DMLMT Underdelivery Sales Rate for Pennsylvania Division

DMT/DMLMT Underdelivery Sales Rate for Pennsylvania Division

Applicable to Usage Under Daily Metered and Daily Metered Large Manufacturing Transportation Service


Statement of Underdelivery Sales Rate


Rate Schedules DMT and DMLMT

Pursuant to Rate Schedules DMT and DMLMT of National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation’s Tariff, the underdelivery sales rate shall be:

[T] The rates for sales of gas shall include the Distribution Charges, Gas Adjustment Charge, and the Natural Gas Supply Charge from the applicable rate schedule and the applicable monthly surcharge percentage; however, in months when the sum of the Natural Gas Supply Charge and the Gas Adjustment Adjustment Charge is less than the market price of natural gas.

[M] The applicable sales rate shall be equal to the sum of the Distribution Charges, the market price of natural gas, plus all transportation costs to the Company’s City Gate, and the applicable surcharge percentage applied to this rate.

Distribution Charge >5,000 Mcf/yr
Distribution Charge >5,000
and <50,000
Distribution Charge
>50,000 and
Distribution Charge
Gas Adjustment ChargeNatural Gas Supply ChargeHighest Daily "SNL TGP Z 4
200L Pool" Price of Gas during
the Month
Transpor- tation to City GateCity Gate Market Price of GasBTU FactorMarket Price of GasSales Rate SourceMonthly Surcharge %DMT - LCPA
Sales Rate
>5000 Mcf/yr
DMT - IVIS Sales Rate >5,000 and
<50,000 Mcf/yr
Sales Rate
>50,000 and
LIS Sales Rate
24-Aug$2.0270 $1.6995 $1.3891 $0.9641 ($0.7388)$4.4736 $1.6300 $0.0926 $1.7226 1.050$1.8087 [T]10%$6.3380 $5.9777 $5.6363 $5.1688
24-Jul$2.0406 $1.7131 $1.4027 $0.9777 ($1.1151)$3.9901 $1.8490 $0.0958 $1.9448 1.047$2.0362 [T]10%$5.4072 $5.0469 $4.7055 $4.2380
24-Jun$2.0406 $1.7131 $1.4027 $0.9777 ($1.1151)$3.9901 $2.1300 $0.0998 $2.2298 1.049$2.3391 [T]10%$5.4072 $5.0469 $4.7055 $4.2380
24-May$2.0406 $1.7131 $1.4027 $0.9777 ($1.1151)$3.9901 $1.9000 $0.0965 $1.9965 1.055$2.1063 [T]10%$5.4072 $5.0469 $4.7055 $4.2380
24-Apr$2.0529 $1.7254 $1.4150 $0.9900 ($1.1151)$4.3145 $1.6620 $0.0931 $1.7551 1.051$1.8446 [T]10%$5.7775 $5.4173 $5.0758 $4.6083
24-Mar$2.0529 $1.7254 $1.4150 $0.9900 ($1.1151)$4.3145 $1.5400 $0.0898 $1.6298 1.046$1.7048 [T]25%$6.5654 $6.1560 $5.7680 $5.2368
24-Feb$2.0529 $1.7254 $1.4150 $0.9900 ($1.1151)$4.3145 $1.8300 $0.0934 $1.9234 1.048$2.0157 [T]25%$6.5654 $6.1560 $5.7680 $5.2368
24-Jan$2.0416 $1.7141 $1.4037 $0.9787 ($1.1151)$4.7382 $13.7370 $0.2302 $13.9672 1.047$14.6237 [M]25%$20.8316 $20.4223 $20.0343 $19.5030
23-Dec$2.0416 $1.7141 $1.4037 $0.9787 ($1.1151)$4.7382 $2.4300 $0.0919 $2.5219 1.051$2.6505 [T]25%$7.0809 $6.6715 $6.2835 $5.7523
23-Nov$2.0416 $1.7141 $1.4037 $0.9787 ($1.1151)$4.7382 $2.7000 $0.0952 $2.7952 1.051$2.9378 [T]10%$6.2312 $5.8709 $5.5295 $5.0620
23-Oct$1.9513 $1.6238 $1.3134 $0.8884 ($1.1801)$4.2332 $2.8770 $0.0973 $2.9743 1.051$3.1260 [T]10%$5.5048 $5.1446 $4.8032 $4.3357
23-Sep$1.9513 $1.6238 $1.3134 $0.8884 ($1.1801)$4.2332 $1.9370 $0.0860 $2.0230 1.049$2.1221 [T]10%$5.5048 $5.1446 $4.8032 $4.3357
23-Aug$1.9513 $1.6238 $1.3134 $0.8884 ($1.1801)$4.2332 $1.6200 $0.0821 $1.7021 1.046$1.7804 [T]10%$5.5048 $5.1446 $4.8032 $4.3357
23-Jul$1.8259 $1.8259 $1.3830 $1.1845 $0.9794 $5.8331 $1.8100 $0.0844 $1.8944 1.046$1.9815 [T]10%$9.5022 $9.5022 $9.0151 $8.7967
23-Jun$1.8259 $1.8259 $1.3830 $1.1845 $0.9794 $5.8331 $1.7910 $0.0842 $1.8752 1.049$1.9671 [T]10%$9.5022 $9.5022 $9.0151 $8.7967
23-May$1.8259 $1.8259 $1.3830 $1.1845 $0.9794 $5.8331 $2.0350 $0.0872 $2.1222 1.050$2.2283 [T]10%$9.5022 $9.5022 $9.0151 $8.7967
23-Apr$1.8040 $1.8040 $1.3611 $1.1626 $0.9794 $6.4220 $1.9980 $0.0867 $2.0847 1.050$2.1889 [T]10%$10.1259 $10.1259 $9.6388 $9.4204
23-Mar$1.8040 $1.8040 $1.3611 $1.1626 $0.9794 $6.4220 $2.5450 $0.1060 $2.6510 1.049$2.7809 [T]25%$11.5068 $11.5068 $10.9531 $10.7050



(a) For purposes of this calculation, the market price of natural gas references the highest volume weighted average price during the month, at SNL TGP Z 4 200L Pool/ Zone 4 200 Line Pool Midpoint.

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