Utility Supply Rates | Business Partners | National Fuel

Average Natural Gas Supply Charge

Average Natural Gas Supply Charge

12 Months Ended December 31, 2024

The following trailing twelve-month weighted average is based on the total Natural Gas Supply (NGS) charge for customers served under NFGDC’s SC-1 and SC-3 tariff classes. The NGS rates are filed monthly with the NY PSC and include the Merchant Function Charge (MFC). These rates exclude sales tax and GRT. For each month, the effective NGS rate is multiplied by weather normalized usage to calculate gas cost for an average customer. The total gas cost is divided by the total normalized usage to produce a weighted twelve-month average.

SC-1 Weighted Average Rate ($/Mcf)$4.04871
SC-3 Weighted Average Rate ($/Mcf)$4.00581
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