Daily Capacity Desk | Supply | National Fuel Gas Company

Daily Capacity Desk

Daily Capacity Desk

Please check this page daily for interpretations of tables and notices posted elsewhere


Available capacity is subject to change with each new nomination cycle and changes in weather or unexpected operational changes. For up-to-the-minute capacity information, please contact: 716-857-6960 or NFGSCscheduling@natfuel.com.

Thank you,

Benjamin Touma
National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation

*Note: The new NFGSC transportation fuel and company use, transportation LAUF, storage
operating and LAUF, and NA 2015 retention rates effective April 1, 2024 are as follows:

  • Transportation Fuel & Company Use Retention: 0.78%
  • Transportation LAUF Retention: 0.31%
  • Storage Operating & LAUF Retention: 0.84%
  • NA2015 Retention: 1.05%

Daily Capacity Desk:

Interruptible Opportunities:

Benjamin Touma
Instant Messaging (ICE): btouma

Primary Transportation & Storage:

Anthony Limina
Instant Messaging (ICE): alimina

Christian Hollfelder
Instant Messaging (ICE): chollfelder

Mickey Zablonski
Instant Messaging (ICE): mzablonski

Section 1: Firm Capacity Offerings and Open Season

Available firm capacity—For information on available firm capacity on our system, please refer to our unsubscribed firm capacity.

Open seasons—Reference our open season index page to view current and historical open seasons.

CLOSED3591/28/2025 to 2/4/2025Firm Transportation (“FT”) Capacity from TCPL – Niagara to NFGDC Mineral Springs2/4/2025: Capacity remains available. Please contact your Marketing Representative.
ClOSED35811/5/2024 to 11/6/2024Short Term Firm Storage (“FSS”) and Firm Storage Transportation (“FST”) Capacity 11/6/2024: All capacity has been awarded.
CLOSED35710/28/2024 to 10/31/2024Short-Term Firm Transportation (“FT”) Capacity from Southern System Receipt Points to Northern System Delivery Points.10/31/2024: All capacity has been awarded.
CLOSED35611/5/2024 to 11/12/2024Long Term Firm Transportation (“FT”) Service to a new delivery interconnect in Olean, NY11/12/2024: All capacity has been awarded.
CLOSED35510/7/2024 to 10/17/24Short-term deliverability enhancement of existing storage and transportation contracts under the FSS and FST rate schedules10/17/2024: All capacity has been awarded.

Project information—We also frequently update our project information, which you are welcome to review and solicit interest if desired.

Shipper opportunities—To either solicit interest in buying capacity from another shipper, inform regular visitors of our website that you have idle capacity you are willing to sell, or to simply post a noncapacity–related notice, please visit the informational postings. If you would like to place an opportunity on our website, please email the exact language that you would like posted: ToumaB@natfuel.com

Section 2: Operationally Available Capacity

Available capacity is subject to change with each new nomination cycle and changes in weather or unexpected operational changes.

For up-to-the-minute capacity information, please contact:


Operationally Available Capacity Table (by Point)

This table provides available capacity information for every point on our system. Scheduled primary, secondary and interruptible volumes are also listed.

  1. The northern system includes on-system points north of Concord, including National Fuel Gas Distribution city gate points. North on-system deliveries can increase the effective scheduled flows through Concord.
  2. The southern system includes on-system points south of Concord and east of Costello.
  3. The western system includes on-system points south of Lewis Run and west of Costello. West on-system deliveries can increase the effective scheduled flows through Lewis Run and Costello.
Operationally Available Capacity Table

Excess Storage Injection/Withdrawal 3-Day Outlook Table (by Point)

While the three-day outlook table is a good resource for point-specific injection and withdrawal data, please keep in mind that the information posted in the table may not reflect our system’s immediate excess injection and withdrawal capabilities. Note that during the winter, excess injection and withdrawal capacity is day-to-day.


Aggregate NFG Supply IAS Loan Volumes Outstanding (Dth)

February 8*February 9**February 10**
IAS Outstanding000

*Based upon total allocated system wide IAS Loan Volumes through the end of the applicable gas day

** Timely Cycle IAS Advance Nominations Scheduled & Confirmed

Section 3: System Operations and Maintenance

Critical notices and Non-critical notices periodically posted to the informational postings. If you wish to automatically receive these notices, please ask your security administrator to add these option(s) under the contract type in the function maintenance section under your user ID in the security administration menu of our EBB.

Section 4: Interruptible Service Opportunities

Interruptible park and loan services—If you need to park or borrow gas, consider using our interruptible storage service (ISS) or interruptible advance service (IAS). If we have excess injection availability, the 3 Day Capacity Outlook Table located in Section 2 will show you injection capacity from specific points over the next three days.

Discounts on interruptible services—To help our customers take advantage of market opportunities, we will consider discounting our interruptible services. Please complete an interruptible services discount request form justifying your request and send it to:

716-857-7310 (fax)


Interruptible services calculator—To better understand how these interruptible services could possibly fit your needs, please use the attached worksheets to model the costs associated with each of these opportunities. These worksheets are to be used only as a guide but can help illustrate how these services can be used in conjunction with one another, and the facets of each that can be discounted to assess the unit rate impact of a discount request.

Section 5: Email Subscriptions

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