Why Work at National Fuel
Employees and Retirees
Why Work at National Fuel
Employees and Retirees
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National Fuel Gas Company’s commitment to responsible business operations is reflected in six guiding principles: Safety, environmental stewardship, community, innovation, satisfaction and transparency. National Fuel expects suppliers, vendors and contractors (collectively “Suppliers”) to conduct business with integrity and in accordance with our policies and practices.
Suppliers are responsible to ensure that they and their employees, workers, representatives and subcontractors comply with standards of conduct set out in this Code of Vendor Conduct, National Fuel’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, National Fuel’s Labor and Human Rights Guidelines, and other contractual obligations to National Fuel. Although the following standards are not all-inclusive, they do provide guidelines to follow and serve as an overview of National Fuel’s expectations for all those who do business with us.
National Fuel’s corporate policies foster a culture of safety. To protect the safety and health of our employees, suppliers, customers and communities, we have implemented a number of initiatives to promote safe behaviors on and off the job. National Fuel conducts safety training for employees throughout the organization to decrease workplace injuries, as well as increase emergency preparedness. We expect suppliers to prioritize safety within their own organizations and to have the same commitment to these safety standards. National Fuel screens contractors and requires reporting on environmental, health and safety performance. We expect suppliers to comply with all applicable health and safety laws and regulations, and implement appropriate steps to prevent accidents and minimize exposure to health risks. National Fuel expects suppliers to continually make improvements relating to safety performance.
National Fuel understands that we have an obligation to the communities where we operate through minimizing any impacts on the environment and natural resources in and around those operating areas. National Fuel’s operating subsidiaries have developed and implemented procedures, technologies and best management practices to develop, operate and maintain our assets in a manner that respects and protects the environment. Our environmental policy statement, which we expect all suppliers to adhere to, reflects this commitment to environmental compliance and best practices. National Fuel expects suppliers to comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations, and encourages suppliers to implement environmental best management practices.
National Fuel is an inclusive corporation and promotes a culture of respect. Supplier diversity is an important part of National Fuel’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. We believe in creating access and opportunity for certified women-owned businesses, minority-owned businesses, and other businesses with recognized diversity classifications. Annually, we contact suppliers to remind entities that we recognize these certifications and value diversity. National Fuel also respects individuals’ rights and promotes equal employment opportunities regardless of race, color, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age or other legally protected characteristics. We expect suppliers to observe the same nondiscriminatory practices.
National Fuel’s policies and practices adhere to all applicable domestic laws, rules and regulations, and are guided by the ILO core principles. National Fuel respects its employees’ right to self-organization, to form, join or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, as well as their right to refrain from any or all such activities, without fear of reprisal, intimidation or harassment. We expect all suppliers to similarly respect these labor practices, as well as comply with any applicable labor laws or regulations.
National Fuel adheres to all applicable domestic laws with respect to wages, work hours, overtime and benefits laws, and minimum working age as promulgated under the Fair Labor Standards Act. We expect all suppliers to follow the same standards. Suppliers may not use forced, prison or indentured labor, engage in trafficking persons, or subject workers to any form of physical, sexual or psychological compulsion, exploitation or coercion. Learn more about our labor and human rights policy.
National Fuel maintains a code of business conduct and ethics that provides guidance to our stakeholders, so that National Fuel may conduct business in the most ethical and proper manner. National Fuel expects that all suppliers will likewise comply with our ethical standards. Annually, National Fuel contacts suppliers to promote adherence to these standards. This annual reminder is intended to promote transparency and prevent any unethical business practices in connection with our business. Additionally, the code of business conduct and ethics addresses, among other things, compliance with laws, rules and regulations, schemes to defraud, conflicts of interest, gifts and gratuities, corporate opportunities, proper use of company resources, fair dealing and confidentiality.
National Fuel expects suppliers to take the utmost care in handling sensitive or confidential information. It is expected that suppliers implement and maintain physical, technical and administrative safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of that information.
All suppliers who do business with National Fuel are expected to adhere to the standards stated above. Each supplier is expected to inform us promptly of any violation related to this code, as soon as the supplier has knowledge of such violation.