Grant Application Evaluation | National Fuel

Foundation Grant Evaluation

Foundation Grant Evaluation

National Fuel Gas Company Foundation Grant Evaluation


We ask that all organizations receiving more than $5,000 in grant funding complete the following evaluation before applying for additional assistance. If a question does not apply, simply put N/A. If you need assistance, please contact Amy Schaefer at or 716-857-7934.

We look forward to reading about your successes.

    Select a location to contact, then please fill out and submit the form below.*


    Briefly describe the program, project, or activities the grant supported in the reporting term.


    Please report on the desired outcomes. Quantifiable results and metrics should be included to the greatest extent possible.


    As a result of the National Fuel Gas Company Foundation grant, were you able to leverage additional funding? Please indicate the source(s) and specific dollar values.


    To enhance our knowledge in the field, please describe any challenges you encountered and/or lessons learned from conducting your program.


    Did you collaborate with other nonprofits and/or organizations to share information or best practices? Please indicate the name of each organization and ways the collaboration(s) reduced cost or improved efficiencies.


    This field is optional. Please utilize it to include any additional information that further highlights your impact/successes. You may also include an attachment.

    Please include a copy of the expenditure report detailing the program's expenses over the life of the grant cycle.


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